For more information, access the Directory of Human Resource Information, including Job Descriptions, HR Forms, Policies, and past HR Bulletins.

Richard P. Schweitzer
Richard P. Schweitzer, PLLC
1717 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 223-3040
FAX: (202) 223-3041
Rick Schweitzer keeps a close eye on government and legal issues that may affect GAWDA distributors and manufacturers. He alerts GAWDA members of impending legislation and regulations and developments in welding fume litigation through GAWDA Connections articles and website updates. He also implements GAWDA’s Government Affairs efforts under the direction of the government Affairs Committee. Rick is GAWDA’s voice on Capitol Hill and with federal and state regulatory agencies.
Government Hotline
For quick access to your federal Congressman, Senator, or the President, or for updates on pending legislation, go to: or