• Now accepting applications through August 1, 2024
    Winners will be notified in September and announced at our Annual Convention in October.

  • Career Advancement Opportunity

    APPLICATION DEADLINE: August 1, 2024
    WGW Educational Grant Application 2024

  • For the Women within the GAWDA Community – The new Women of Gases & Welding (WGW) Educational Grant Program will provide financial support to two GAWDA female members to attend the University of Innovative Distribution (UID) in March 2025. The UID is a concentrated educational program focused on the unique needs of the wholesale distribution industry.  Courses are grouped in Education Tracks based on theme, such as Management, Operations, Marketing, Distribution Strategy, Sales and more. The UID experience is designed to enhance and fortify your knowledge, skills, and abilities with hands-on experience to support immediate application into your work environment. This is a direct benefit for your employee, your company, and our industry.  A TRIPLE WIN!!!  For more details about the University of Innovation Distribution and the courses offered, visit them at https://www.univid.org/aws/AEA/pt/sp/UID_home_page

  Grant Details:

    • $2,795 total awarded to each WGW Educational Grant Recipient.  This includes the $1,295.00 to registration fee and $1,500 to cover travel and expenses.
    • 3 grants will be given.
  • Grant Recipient Selection Process:

    Click here to applyAll applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

    • Applicant must be a GAWDA member or employee of a GAWDA member.
    • Applicant must be a female.
    • Applicant must provide a letter of reference from their employer.
    • Applicant must include an essay explaining how they will use this education in their professional life.

    Grant Timeline:

    • June 1 – August 1, 2024: GAWDA WGW Accepting Applications
    • August 1, 2024: Application Deadline
    • August 2 – September 1, 2024: Review of Applications/Select Recipients
    • September 2024: Notify Recipients
    • GAWDA Annual Convention October 11-  14, 2024 (Phoenix, AZ): Announce Recipients
    • October 2024: University of Innovative Distribution Registration Opens
    • March 2025: Recipients attends UID

    We are very excited to be offering this program to GAWDA members. This has been a dream/goal of WGW committee members for some time.

  • Click here to download the application and apply today!

  • Please contact Natasha Alexis at nalexis@gawda.org if you have any questions or need assistance.